Making the best out of Android since 2011

Genymobile SAS was founded by Arnaud Dupuis in 2011; and with over 30 employees in Paris, Lyon, and San Francisco, we develop Genymotion.

Initially a simple, fast developer’s first choice Android emulator, Genymotion has evolved into a full-fledged “Android as a service” platform, available across multiple channels in the cloud and on your desktop.

  • +8M Users Worldwide
  • +20K Entreprises since launch
  • +30K hours of Android services per day
  • 1Bn annual opportunities during a year

  • The Way We Think

    Our vision is to provide Android solutions at an affordable price to any stakeholders who have to navigate the Android world, from the least technical to the experts:

  • Sales teams, unfamiliar with IT, can simply access Android devices in their browser, with an intuitive interface, and demo or test Android apps as if they were on a real phone ;
  • Android test engineers can use Genymotion Android devices in the Cloud to automate tests with their favorite framework ;
  • Game developers and designers can develop and test their games and almost any Android versions and hardware configuration (tablets or smartphones).
  • Every day, new devices, applications and services get developed for Android; whatever your role in this universe, we’re here to help!

    Got complicated plans? We’re here for you! Our Sales team will respond to your inquiries and find the best solution for you across our product series, without wasting your time: we’re all pretty technical, so we’ll get straight to the point. We can schedule a demo so you see if Genymotion really suits your needs, and help you figure out how to integrate it to your work environment.

    If any compatibility issues occur with a platform you’re using, we might also offer building a new integration with you as a POC. That’s how our current integrations started!


    Our team includes experts passionate with mobile technologies, and eager to face innovation challenges. Our company culture is geeky, fun, and caring. Employees start their work every day with the motivation of learning new things, building great products, and delivering added value to our clients. Genymobile has adopted a “Work From Anywhere” policy, which means you can come to any office – in Paris, Lyon, and San Francisco – whenever you want to meet your colleagues, share stories around a coffee and good food, or play video games, but also work from home and feel equally part of the team.

    Our management culture is participatory, and we strive to empower everyone in the team to grow and achieve their own goals. In an ever-moving environment, we build our software following best-in-class agile practices, with a fluid product roadmap, which can quickly adapt to our customers needs and market trends.

    Arnaud Dupuis/CEA

    Passionate about open source and a top-level judoka, Arnaud began as a Java developer at Uperto. After working on the Orange Box project, he became a manager of the Core Business and Mobility BU at Devoteam. Right hemisphere of Genymobile, Arnaud believes in the values of sport to manage teams and ensure the best offers to customers.

    Déborah Munsi/Director Business Development

    With a Masters in Marketing and International Development and an MBA in International Business Engineering, Deborah has always had the ambition to help companies grow and face the challenges of globalization. With a rich and internationally oriented experience, she helps Genymobile become a key player in the Android emulation industry.

    Julien Bolard/VP Engineering

    Julien manages and is the technical lead at the Lyon engineering site. He has been at Genymobile for over 9 years and is one of our most experienced engineers. He is a full stack engineer and thought leader. He frequently collaborates with Arnaud, our CEO, on new technical leads. Julien leads our efforts to bring Genymotion to ARM servers.

    Lyvia Marcy/Head of Finance

    Lyvia has been in charge of Finance and Accountancy of Genymobile for over 6 years. After 8 years working for Audit and Accountancy Firms, she has developed a good know-how in the financial support of companies. The enthusiasm of the Founders about the product was enough to convince her that she had to take part in the “Genymobile adventure”.

    Karine Maret/Head of People Operations

    Since joining Genymobile in 2014, Karine never stopped expanding her fields of expertise. Executive Assistant to Arnaud, she is also the HR Manager and takes care of all the offices. Used to working in complex, challenging and dynamic environments, she can work on multiple projects at the same time while keeping tabs on everything.